Insight. Influence. Impact.

Shift Within

Thrive Beyond

8.10 headshot

Transformative Executive Coach

As a former C-suite executive with a history of running companies and navigating the complexities of demanding roles, I can deeply relate to the challenges you face. More importantly, I want you to know that a life rich in peace, joy, and fulfillment isn’t a future ambition, but available now. 

As a SNCUP Certified Executive Coach, I guide individuals toward a transformation that provides tangible results. By “refreshing your inner operating system“, you’ll experience the clarity, resilience, and emotional well-being that helps you thrive across all facets of life.

Our journey together will reconnect you with your true self, igniting new passions and potential. Shift from a state of anxiety and overwhelm to one of mindfulness and presence. Enjoy a quiet mind, less burnout, more impact, and improved relationships. Meet challenges with grace and inspire others with newfound clarity and confidence.

The Gentlemen Project Podcast

How to Live Authentically & Navigate Mental Health Challenges

1 in 4 adults in the US have a diagnosable mental health challenge. That means that someone you love has dealt with depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Although widespread, the stigma that is attached to mental health is as pervasive as the disease itself.

Normalizing the conversations about dealing with mental health and addiction challenges is the first step in creating a helpful environment for us all to receive the help we need. James Hadlock’s experience comes from his own experience with addiction and suicide ideation.

From this unique perspective he has become one of the industry’s most vocal and influential voices. We hope you’ll join us for this important conversation.

James is an experienced entrepreneur, mental health activist, and transformative executive coach.



Executive Coaching

Focus. Freedom. Flow

Embark on a transformative journey that cultivates insight, influence, and impact. Shift to a state of flow by understanding your inner operating system and the principles that shape our life experiences. Align with your inner wisdom to live a life filled with authenticity, fulfillment, and harmony.

Additional Services

Reflection. Realization. Resilience.

Access your organization’s untapped potential. Learn how to reduce stress, improve performance, and care for the whole self. Actively cultivate a culture of trust and connection. These group sessions will align your teams with increased purpose, collaboration, and resilience. The result? A revitalized, human-centric workplace that thrives in productivity.

Men's Online Community

Wisdom. Well-being. Wonder.

Venture beyond traditional networking with SNCUP, an innovative online men’s group rooted in inner wisdom, well-being, and wonder. Guided by the core principles of – Stillness, Non-judgment, Curiosity, Understanding, and Presence – we foster an environment where authenticity thrives and personal exploration is celebrated.


Strangers You Know Podcast

The Power & Peril of Perfection: A Millionaire's Addiction

Human beings can lose themselves in even the noblest of causes. Understanding ourselves and our motivating factors can raise us to great heights, or crush us. In the case of James Hadlock, it did both.

The same motivation that drives us to success can also drive us to complete ruin. Understanding what is driving our feelings and relying more on our inner wisdom is key to which direction we are heading.

James is an experienced entrepreneur, mental health activist, and transformative executive coach.


Refresh Your Inner OS

“Refreshing your inner operating system” serves as a powerful metaphor for the human transformation process. At its core, it’s gaining a deeper understanding of how the mind shapes our moment-to-moment experiences, quiets down naturally, and provides us with ever-flowing access to insight.

This “refresh” helps us better understand that our habitual thinking, rather than circumstances, shapes our emotions, behaviors, and overall experiences. This realization moves us from reacting with outdated tools and strategies, to responding with inner wisdom and awareness.

This transformative process yields tangible benefits – improved clarity, reduced mental noise, and a more peaceful state of being. We are set free from limiting patterns, and align with unlimited potential. The result? Stress and overwhelm are replaced with health, harmony, and hope, allowing for a more calm, connected life.

Next steps




There hasn’t been one program that’s made a bigger impact.It opened my eyes to a better way of conducting business and connecting with others. Many things will be put into a new perspective once you spend time with James.

Spencer Squier
All State Express - CEO


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